
The Importance of Wind Rating for Sheds in Florida 

If you live in Florida, it’s without a doubt you will experience some harsh weather conditions- if you haven’t already. The most damaging weather seems to come each time a hurricane makes landfall, causing the state to be in complete turmoil for months- even years. While you can’t always avoid destruction from happening to your home and property, you can do your best to try and prepare for it, including paying attention to the things you buy that are susceptible to outside weather conditions, such as a quality Florida shed.

What a Hurricane Wind Scale Means for You

The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale categorizes a hurricane’s sustained wind speed with a 1 to 5 rating, estimating potential property damage based on the category of the storm. According to the National Hurricane Center, a category 5 hurricane that has 157 mph winds or higher, will cause catastrophic damage to homes and other structures.

Florida Building Codes

Consistent state building codes in Florida began in 2002 as a result of the Florida Legislation acknowledging more strict and regulated building codes were needed after hurricane Andrew struck South Miami-Dade on August 24, 1992. Hurricane Andrew revealed how careless buildings were previously manufactured which led the state to require a more solid construction of structures going forward.

Every three years building codes are updated with the most recent version of the International Code Council (ICC) as the base code. 2017’s Florida Building Code Sixth Edition, which will become effective on December 31, 2017, makes the fifth update of the code. The Florida Building Commission is required to add changes, making sure they are more relevant to our unique environment such as using shatterproof windows, roof fortification, and concrete pillars. Products like particle board and roofing nails have been replaced with plywood and staples. Even greater resilience requirements apply to south Florida such as in Miami-Dade and Broward counties where structures must withstand winds of a 130 mph or more.

Our Sheds are Miami-Dade County Approved 

Superior Sheds craftsmanship is confirmed by our quality control manager who inspects every shed ensuring not only does it meet the Miami-Dade 130 mph minimum wind requirement, but exceeds it, as our sheds are rated at 180 mph wind load. All sheds are manufactured in Florida, built for Florida weather and are approved, inspected, and certified before they leave the factory. Not only are our sheds constructed without compromising any safety features, but we combine modern aesthetics as well to produce an attractive, functional shed you will be proud of putting at your home or business. Call us today at 386-774-9861 or contact us on our website for more information.